These drawer packs are self contained units ready to be installed in a wardrobe. The drawer packs are 100mm narrower than the outside dimension of the wardrobe. So, for example, a 500mm drawer pack fits a 600mm wardrobe. For any standard width wardrobe, choose a drawer pack width that is 100mm less than the wardrobe width.
The drawer pack itself is supplied ready assembled and comes with a top and two side fillers (supplied loose). The fillers close the gaps either side of the drawer pack. The top extends to the full internal width of the wardrobe.
Drawer fronts are included. They are made from fully edged 18mm board matching the drawer pack carcass material.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The drawer fronts will be supplied as Slab Drawerfronts, with three brushed steel pull handles to fit.
See Datasheet for more details.
See Datasheet for more details.